Developed by FES /SAGES

The Fundamentals of Endoscopic SurgeryTM (FES) program is comprised of two components: education and assessment. The educational piece is a web-based, didactic presentation consisting of 13 interactive, cognitive, content chapters covering basic diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, using rich text, images, and illustrations. The assessment portion contains both a multiple-choice exam and a performance-based manual skills assessment to evaluate technical and psychomotor skills. The skills exam is performed on a virtual reality simulator, the GI Bronch, GI Express or Endo Mentor Suite, all proprietary pieces of hardware developed by Surgical Science.
It is our mission to provide residents, gastroenterologists, and surgeons-in-practice with an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of gastrointestinal endoscopy in a consistent, scientifically accepted format and to provide a tool to test cognitive knowledge, technical skills, and clinical judgment, all with the overarching goal of improving the quality of patient care.